
Store, stream, and share all your favorite media, privately and securely. Create collections using your own video, sound, image, document files, and links to any media available on the Internet, then watch and share them securely with whom you choose. Shoot video freely and save valuable file space on your devices.
CLIPKICK brings you your video, sound, image, and document files on any device without the social media. CLIPKICK is not about broadcasting, but rather for creating personal media collections to watch and share with close friends, family, or VIPs. With CLIPKICK your videos, sound, images, documents, and bookmarks are stored on our private encrypted servers and are not broadcast to the world or shown in any discover feed. You own and control your content. Your security and privacy is our priority.

- Store your video, sound, images, and document files and save space on your devices
- Privately save and organize links to media from around the web
- Watch on desktop, mobile, and mirror to TV
- Securely connect with others and share media

- Create secure chats around your content
- Own your content and control who sees it
- Create paywalls and charge subscriptions to stream your media
- Rest encryption and two factor authentification

Videos Saved
Collections Created

I find this app useful for collecting inspiration and how to videos from across platforms. It creates the best short video library. I also like the privacy aspect of the app. I never felt comfortable bookmarking videos in my browser. I just feel better knowing what I save is private and not shared with others.

I’m a DJ and I work on mixes all the time for my shows. For obvious reasons I don’t want to share these mixes publicly. Clipkick gives me a way to share my mixes securely with select people I invite and connect with. And i am able to charge a subscription fee, which adds up to good monthly revenue for me. I have created a little exclusive club on the app with the group chat i set up. The streaming is top notch. I set the cloud so people can’t download or share my mixes. And I can communicate with my fans securely in the app. I love it.

I started using Clipkick for collecting cooking videos from around the web. My collections are growing in different categories. I have lineups for pastas, salads, meat dishes etc. I even started having some fun adding videos I shoot myself with my phone of my family on trips and at events. I like it because there isn’t any social pressure. I don’t have to worry about likes or comments. I just share my clips with my family. It feels like home movies used to feel when I was a kid.

Clipkick is a gift for someone like me who has been looking for a way to both save and share many of the videos I come across. I also use it to store videos and give me more space on my phone. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and have now saved and shared several videos under different folders called lineups.